The Alamogordo Public Library has a fantastic children's Summer Reading Program every year, headed up by our awesome Youth Services Librarian (here's her blog, there is always something going on there). But, from what I understand, the adult side has been much more sporadic and low-key.
Being the go-getter that I am (read: proposer of idealistic and insane programs), I thought it would be a great addition to library programming to have a Summer Reading Program (SRP) for adults. I had done Winter Book Bingo this past year based on a program done by the Seattle Public Library (I gave them credit on the back) and it was really well-received so I thought it would be good to follow it up during the summer.
Wow, I almost bit off more than I can chew. BUT, with support and encouragement from Ami (Youth Services Librarian referenced earlier), full permission from the Library Manager, and financial help from the Alamogordo Friends of the Public Library, I have managed to put together a great (I'd be modest except there have been many adjectives like this describing the program so I don't want to denigrate my adoring public's opinion) program based on the Collaborative Summer Library Program package.
Which is right up my alley because I try to be fit. Now, we're taking a broad interpretation of the concept of fitness; it's not just exercise and eating right it's also taking the time to relax, meditate, do something fun, anything that benefits your well-being. (and, yes, that includes coloring!)
What we have cued up for the program include:
Silent Book Club: Read (or listen to) any book of your choice and fill out a Book Review Sheet. The review sheets are added to a poster so everyone can take a look at what's popular and maybe try a new title. Each time you return a review sheet, you get a raffle ticket for the general prize bucket. There are no limits on how many books you can read, sheets you can fill out, or raffle tickets you can earn!
How to Food: This is a series of 3 classes on menu planning, grocery shopping and food prep. Each class session you attend will net you a ticket!
Fitness Fest: We are hosting a fitness fest for area organizations and businesses to encourage every aspect of a safe and healthy lifestyle. If you visit at least 5 informational table and get your punch card marked, you'll get another ticket for a chance at a prize!
And the biggest portion of the program, which also requires the most effort, is the
Million Steps Challenge!
Health professionals recommend that we get at least 10,000 steps a day, which indicates a healthy level of activity. This, in turn, lends itself to better general health and longevity. I made three tiers to the challenge:
Primary Challenge: the basic goal of 10,000 steps a day for the summer
Focus Challenge: if you are already active, bump yourself up to about 12,500 steps a day
Top Tier Challenge: really get yourself active and try for 15,000 steps a day which will get you all the way to 1,000,000 steps by the end of the summer reading program.
I even made a fun log book and conversion chart for alternate activities. You can make all of your activities count as "steps" using the conversions so your biking, swimming, gardening and cooking can all increase the number of steps, and consequently your activity level, each day.
With the overwhelming positive response and the gratifyingly large number of participants, I'm already planning on what to do next year!
If you're in the Alamogordo area, come in and sign up! Don't let the kids have all the fun. And if you are further afoot, check your local library to see what kind of program they have. If there's nothing available put in a request and then check in back here and we'll work out a long-distance something for your own enjoyment!
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