Friday, 8 July 2022

Bathroom Reader

I totally wanted to title this post as

Poop Reading

But I didn't want anyone expecting scatological tarot lessons.

So, you ask, what am I even talking about?

It is the middle of 

Summer Reading Programs 

in libraries nationwide!

And the most common remarks I hear from adults is that they either "don't read" or "don't have time to read".  I have an excellent way for non-readers to ease their way into reading and for busy people to at least get a few paragraphs in their busy schedule.

Keep a book in the bathroom to read while you ummm... do the doo.  You know, perform the Royal Squat, make a deposit at the porcelain bank, etc.

Forget toilet TikTok!  If you keep a book, magazine, or the classic Reader's Digest on the back of your toilet, you have the perfect quiet moment to spend reading. Once you put down that phone and have read the back of the shampoo bottle enough that you have the ingredients memorized, you can dive into some literature.  You might even get drawn in enough to continue reading when you are done hitting pay dirt and that's when the magic happens.  You realize that you CAN read and that you HAVE TIME to read--if you take the time you have and rearrange your priorities.

Doubt me?  Think I'm full of... excrement?

Try it first. Pick something you are interested in and see if it doesn't make your bathroom encores more comfortable and stimulate your brain.

WARNING: This may become addictive.  If this eventuates, monitor your time on the toilet so you don't find yourself with a permanent ring or other difficulties which can result from too much time on the toilet.  If you find this to be the case then take your reading material out of the bathroom to a comfortable reading spot.  If bathroom time is the only quiet/alone time you have, finish your performance at the ceramic amphitheater, put down the lid and read until the kids knock on the door.

Now, go sign up for the Summer Reading Program at your local library and get reading!