In an effort to expand publicity for our school (and consequently my library), I decided the best way to do that was to join a parade! The annual Liberation Day Parade here on Guam.
This is a huge event on the island, celebrating the liberation of Guam from the Japanese in World War II. All entries are covered by radio, newspaper, and local television broadcasts. Is there any better way to let everyone hear your name?
What an unexpected surprise! I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Jill Clark, author of the Clark Clan homeschooling blog.
I am excited to accept this award with its terms: 1. Thank the site that awarded it. 2. Write 7 things about yourself--although I interpret this to mean I can write about myself, my church, or my school. 3. Pass it on to someone else.
So, here are 7, hopefully, interesting things about my life.
1. We are a family of 5; my husband and myself, 2 boys and 1 girl. 2. I "library school" my kids. Which is to say, they accompany me to the campus at which I work and we do their schoolwork there. 3. I work (if you can call all the fun things I do work) at Pacific Islands University, a small Christian college on the island of Guam. I am the librarian on campus. 4. I am a fully certified (sometimes certifiable) librarian with a Master's degree in Library and Information Sciences. YES, there is a special degree! 5. My husband is active duty Air Force and will be retiring in a year and a half. 6. I have been a military dependent all my life; first my dad's and then my husband's. 7. I love to read, sew, stamp, and scrap. If it involves recycled materials, even better!
I would like to pass this award on to Jen Rydzik for her daily blog. Jen is a wonderful encouragement as one of the most enthusiastic missionaries I have ever met. She is always ready and willing to help in any way and her blog is constantly updated with heartfelt experiences from her life.
Keep watching while I update my library log each week; you never know when you might find something useful!
Many people use a library and don't know some of the basic helpful vocabulary. Since this is a list of my own compilation, I have inserted my own interpretation of some of the definitions. Many of them are based on fact and all are skewed by my opinion!
Library--A magical place that can transport you to places you've never been, don't want to go, can't wait to return to, and is climate controlled. Also known as a place to borrow books, magazines, and other resources. Visit can be used as a resting point during a long day of errands, as a reward for a job well done or even for consolation when something doesn't go right.
Book--An addictive experience that can make the user attempt to freeze time in order to eke out more adventures than one can experience in a single lifetime; also known as a set of bound pages containing information pertinent to particular subjects.
Stacks--The shelves of books that make up the confusing hallways and alleys in the library.
Circulation Desk--The desk, usually situated near the front entrance, where patrons can check out books, return books, pay fines, ask questions, etc. Sometimes call the front desk or the circ (pronounced: \sirk\) desk.
Librarian--1. A person that works at a library. 2. The person the patron believes is the source of all knowledge. 3. The person the patron believes is responsible for all problems, especially those related to books and education. 4. A person with a graduate-level degree in Library (and Information) Sciences.
Reference Desk--The desk that is not the front desk at which library personnel sit, look condescending, and make you feel like an awkward kid because you can't find what you're looking for.
Reference Section--The part of the library that has some of the coolest books but you are unable to check them out because the library doesn't trust you to bring back the medical dictionary without germs, the Encyclopedia of Tattoos without extra ink or the Female Nude: Art, Obscenity, and Sexuality at all.
Collection--The set of books, journals, DVDs, and other things that the library owns.
Plagiarism--The heinous crime of consciously or unconsciously taking credit for an idea other than your own.
Censorship--The controversial act of choosing one book over another based on your own sense of morality and quality. Many people deride it but everyone does it; there is no such thing as unbiased collecting.